
教师 and students of San Jose State University who consider it essential to use animals in their research, teaching, testing or display, whether in the laboratory, classroom or in the field, must adhere to humane principles for the use of animals set forth by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. 动物实验方案 care and use shall address all relevant aspects of veterinary care, animal husbandry, procedural manipulations, chemical usage, physical and psychological well-being of the animals, euthanasia, personnel experience and training, and personnel safety and must be approved IACUC before the project commences.

我们鼓励大家 联系IACUC协调员 if you have any questions or for policy clarification about IACUC oversight of an animal-related activity before starting the project.

用于涉及操纵的拟议研究 活的脊椎动物, the standard Protocol Application for Animal Care and Use must be submitted and 已批准(长格式). Investigators are to follow the recommendations for Project Categorization of Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals when completing this form. For proposals that may induce more than momentary or slight pain/distress in animals, the investigator must consult a qualified veterinarian for their input on study design 以及IACUC审查前的兽医护理.

Note: this form must be used for both new submissions and renewals. 

Project Categorization of Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals [pdf]

Guidelines for Conducting and Summarizing a Literature 搜索 [pdf]

For proposing changes to the IACUC-approved protocol long form, there are two protocol 修订表格可用. 增加工作人员与活的动物
IACUC协议,遵循 人员培训说明 before submitting the completed personnel amendment form to the IACUC Coordinator. For all other proposed minor or significant changes to the approved protocol, submit 填妥的一般议定书修改表.



打算使用的个人 非生物的动物 组织 (包括粪便、血液、羽毛、毛发、骨头等.)来自脊椎动物 complete an abbreviated submission for the use of non-living 组织. IACUC必须这么做 approve projects that involve the receipt or analysis of 组织 or specimens shared from collaborators internally or from outside institutions for the purpose of evaluating sample acquisition methods, including appropriate permits. 适当的知识和文件 regarding date, time, and circumstances of tissue or specimen collection may be required IACUC. 对收藏的偶然贡献(如.g.(交通事故)也是 根据协议

Abbreviated Protocol for Use of Non-living Tissues [doc]

对于纯粹的 观察性研究 that do not involve handling or disturbing of a live animal in its natural habitat, the IACUC requires review and approval of projects that entail the deployment of recording equipment as part of the study or requires permission from a government authority to approach the species being studied or to gain regional access to sensitive habitats, 公共土地、避难所或避难所.  一个简短的协议提交表格是 available for IACUC review and approval of such activities.

Abbreviated Protocol for Observational Studies [doc]

The IACUC requires review and approval of activities that involve select 无脊椎动物物种, including the holding and care of Cephalopods at an IACUC approved facility for greater than 12 hours and other multi-cellular 无脊椎动物物种 if: 1) the species is listed as endangered, threatened or of special concern at federal or local levels; 2) the species is considered poisonous, venomous, or a threat to public health; or 3) the project involves a non-native species that requires permission from a State or local authority to possess or handle, even if specimens are obtained commercially.  一个简短的协议提交表格是 available for IACUC review and approval 涉及无脊椎动物的活动.

The IACUC does require review and approval for the handling of 可育脊椎动物卵. Investigators may use the abbreviated submission form for use of invertebrates or 可受精的卵来掩盖它们的工作.  但是,IACUC可能要求使用 live vertebrate application (long form) for activities that involve late stage embryonic 对敏感物种的发育操纵. 决定提交哪一份文件 form is most appropriate will occur upon consultation with the 菠菜网lol正规平台 veterinary staff 在IACUC审议之前.

Abbreviated Protocol for Invertebrate Species or Fertile Eggs [doc]

菠菜网lol正规平台 IACUC approval is required for personnel to use previously collected 辅助数据 涉及脊椎动物. This defines as non-publicly available study data obtained or collected by some一个 other than the interested party. IACUC也需要审查 并批准拟议的活动和 合作 涉及脊椎动物 that are led, initiated, or organized by a third-party 个人或机构. It is highly recommended that investigators seek advice from the IACUC Coordinator before completing and submitting this form.

Review form for 辅助数据 or third-party 合作 [docx]